Saturday, January 16, 2010

Get it right Techincally !

No matter how creative , differentiated, evolved or innovative, Packaging can be successful only and only if the Technical parameters are set right. In fact those who take care of this, from the very beginning are likely to be highly successful in their endeavour.
The creative expression has to be converted into an approximate sizing and measurements. This depending upon machine or hand packing, needs to be converted into an Engineering drawing, as the next step. This drawing provides all the detailed measurements sometimes into decimals , with angles, cuts , creases, print areas, non print areas, text areas etc. Needless to say, that often this drawing gets modified and re-engineered till all aspects are aligned, including the creative, sizing, filling and packing, dispensing, etc. One can safely say that, this is the basic first step in any packaging development and one should not let any compromises set in.
Once the Engineering drawing has been finalized, the material needs to be firmed up. Very often the material needs to be defined in terms of thickness, stiffness, smoothness, gloss factor etc. Once again each of the required variables need to be defined and perhaps even tolerances provided. This is imperative as very often certain materials are available within a defined range of specifications and one has to keep that in perspective.
The material plays a significant role for the product shelf life and in conjunction with the Product developers one needs to finalise this specification , with perhaps no tolerances possible.
Getting the Packaging right Technically, thus is the key step and ensures that the future steps get implemented successfully. Take for instance, that the Creative has developed a wonderful design, but when put into the final Engineering drawing it loses all the aesthetics. To avoid such a wasteful effort, if the Engineering drawing is provided from the very beginning , the Creative could work within those boundaries and still get the aesthetics right.
How often we ignore this basic first step, how often we jump into development and try to solve this issue at a later date and how often we regret for all the time loss and re- iteration. So lets get things perfect ,Technically right from the very beginning , yes
' Perfect ' absolutely !

1 comment:

  1. An excellent post !! I have learnt a couple of things from this one. Thanks
