Sunday, February 28, 2010

Design to Cost

The Packaging designers would like to believe that the creative exploration should be given liberal opportunity before the cost constraints are built in. This way innovation does not get inhibited and uncharted territories are explored.
We need to perhaps shift the paradigm and take up the creative challenge of developing Packaging designs to a specified cost. Here one is trying to say that the designs should be such that the cost of Packaging per piece does not go beyond a specified Budget. The fact is that it is possible and very often if the challenge is taken up the costs per piece has actually been decreased, while yet adding an overall value feel in the consumers eyes.
Hence, when we design a new Pack, structure or the graphics or redesign an existing Pack one very clear brief to the Designer could be that the cost additions would not be possible or even if possible it would be only within a specified limit.
The real tragedy happens when a whole lot of costs are added which ultimately the consumer does not even perceive or perhaps is neutral to. An addition of cost should be visible and the consumers should perceive an enhancement in imagery and ultimately in Sales.
Often certain features are tried to be built in which become more of a creative satisfaction for the Developers to achieve and demonstrate. We need to question this and in fact start looking at scenarios wherein there have been perhaps reduction in material weight, lowering of ink numbers, removal of complexity, ease of sourcing , easier usage and dispensing.
The answer lies in the Consumers eyes and the improved imagery ratings for the Brand. If the Packaging development team can rework a current design and make it look even better within the current costs they would perhaps be doing real value to not only to their Company but to the society at large.

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